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Will humans ever go to mars?

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link. I’ve always categorized people into two groups: Given a 50-50 shot of survival, would you get on the rocket tomorrow to colonize Mars? Group A, please queue to the left; Darwin wants a word with you.

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The Best Page in the Universe

No boobies, but good advice on those awful Crocs

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Two-man snowboard is wrong.

Kind of like the sign advertising a ‘six-man hot-tub.’

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Cousins? Obama and VP Cheney

Conspiracy, or 6 degrees of separation?

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Jack and Hill

I’m still voting for Obama.

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German beer sales

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Beer sales are down 15-percent in Germany.

But soft drinks and for beer mixed with fruit juice jumped 18.1% in 2007. WTF??!

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Trying to think of a name for when you wake up at night and check your mobile device for weather or if someone has blown up the moon. I like ‘sleep-peeking.’ ‘Nap-WAPping’ is too geeky.