America’s least-loved Democratic tickets
- Obama-Hillary: Why do the Clintons hate their party so much? A self-destructing ticket.
- Obama-Edwards: Plastic Man doesn’t do it for me. He faded in the stretch last time. Lawyer.
- Obama-Kerry: Not likely at all. But getting warmer. Still creepy.
- Obama-Gore: A dark horse, but one I could live with. Al has tons of capital sitting around from AIT. Instant cred and enough ‘whiteness’ to more than dilute the creeping fear some Dem crackers still may have about voting for a black prez. Al would also be more than a match for whomever the GOP picks for veepee. I would pay money to see a Huckster/Al fried-squirrel-cage deathmatch faceoff. And with the icecaps melting and $5/gal. gas, people just might listen to him this time. Great powerpoints.
Obama-Gore would be awesome but it ain’t gonna happen.
The one I like is: Obama-Richardson. Richardson brings a lot to the ticket: he’s Hispanic, from the West (and the next president will have to win the West), has TONS of foreign policy/service experience, was also secretary of energy under Clinton. I’m personally not so sure why he faded so quickly in the primary, but i think he’d be a great choice as VP for either Clinton (please, no) OR Obama (yes!).
You may be right, but I think the Dems are super-sensitive to a ticket that is “too racial.” Think about it: only a couple of elections ago, you couldn’t even conceive of a black candidate getting the nomination without going through J. Jackson or Rev. Al and the whole fruity Rainbow Coalition. The Dems have so far managed to keep them on a leash so as not to frighten the constituency. Also, Hill pretty much has the Hispanic vote locked up, which is a stronger voting block in Fla. than it is out west.
When it comes right down to it, the Dems need a massive turnout from the middle class to win this election, and they need an Average White Guy to balance the ticket in order for that to happen. I don’t think a Mexican-born veep with UN ties is the answer, especially assuming McCain picks a “social conservative” to balance the ticket for the core cracker vote.
It’s gonna be Obama-Edwards (assuming HillBill don’t threaten to scuttle the party, which is a very real possibility). We’re just gonna have to like it.