Author Archives: meat


heatbag gallery I dunno, clothes or something.

so what

So What w/ Coltrane


Just about the only thing that gets my head right on Friday nites is Miles Davis and three big glasses of wine. ‘Steamin’ with Miles’ right now.

Hollywood on canvas

Hollywood on canvas Honestly, would you know the difference? Except for Posh, I mean

Strangest Gunfight

Strange Swedish Gunfight

Camille Paglia on Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eliot Spitzer, the Oscars and more | Salon

Camille Paglia finally chimes in on Baracktion ’08

Is this Eliot Spitzer’s Kristen?

Is this Eliot Spitzer’s Kristen? NY gov. could do worse

Internet for pornography, not voting: Ex Polish PM – Yahoo News

Internet for pornography not voting: Ex Polish PM You can still vote one-handed in the US.

S@m’s has Segways! Antuque and Vintage nude pictures nsfw