Author Archives: meat

17 Tips For Getting Bloggers To Write About You

17 Tips For Getting Bloggers To Write About You #1: Write about getting bloggers to write about you

Online Dating

Online Dating = Sex on the first date. Odds go up if they take Visa

The Philosophy of Sex

The Philosophy of Sex great quotations

Meatpixel’s 20-Minute Man Chow

Heat an iron skillet with olive oil. Not too hot. You don’t want it to smoke. Boil water. Add four or five chicken breast tenderloins to skillet. Use a lid to protect you from spattering oil if they’re frozen. Boil spaghetti. Cook tenderloins until they start to turn slightly tan on each side (you’ll have […]


Manterns via b. rivets

Depressed turn to blogging

Depressed turn to blogging as coping mechanism I fell better now.

Casino insider tells (almost) all

Casino insider tells (almost) all about security. Hint: They’ll take your money

Why We Fantasize: The Science of Sex

Why We Fantasize: The Science of Sex ‘Strange fantasies were often treated as pathology.’


Sinfest My favorite Web comic right now

The truth about D&D

The truth about D & D It’s always the thief’s fault