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Author Archives: meat
Playboy Mobile
March 8, 2008 – 12:12 pm
Miss Playboy Mobile 2008 ‘Sexy yet clothed’=fail. They have pr0n on the internets now, I hear.
History of men’s magazines
March 8, 2008 – 8:03 am
Men’s magazine interesting history and timeline Men’s Fitness sucks. Who wants to read about the lousy shape we’re in? “Manity.”
We need a modern Rogue
March 8, 2008 – 7:52 am
We need a modern Rogue. Unapologetic. Semi-literate. With boobies.Wouldn’t you buy a modern ver. of this? Hells yeah!
Double Viking
March 8, 2008 – 7:42 am
Double Viking is OK, but tries too hard Still looking for modern ver. of Rogue
Coffee prices
March 8, 2008 – 7:32 am
Coffee prices are skyrocketing on speculation 22 percent this year, so far