Author Archives: meat


Sexy mouse ‘. . . left and right click – where the breasts are’

Weng Weng Rap

Weng Weng Rap Thanks, L.!


Out for supplies. The cupboards are bare.

Playboy Mobile

Miss Playboy Mobile 2008 ‘Sexy yet clothed’=fail. They have pr0n on the internets now, I hear.

Fried squirrel

I can haz squirrels? Ins a popperz?

MH eats horse

Mike Huckabee eats horse meat I don’t remember seeing this?

History of men’s magazines

Men’s magazine interesting history and timeline Men’s Fitness sucks. Who wants to read about the lousy shape we’re in? “Manity.”

We need a modern Rogue

We need a modern Rogue. Unapologetic. Semi-literate. With boobies.Wouldn’t you buy a modern ver. of this? Hells yeah!

Double Viking

Double Viking is OK, but tries too hard Still looking for modern ver. of Rogue

Coffee prices

Coffee prices are skyrocketing on speculation 22 percent this year, so far