Author Archives: meat

Interview disasters

Interview disasters Haven’t had one yet (fingers crossed)

2 types of interviewers

There’s the kind that engage you in genuine conversation. They “get to know” you and subtlely extract clues about your competence and relative potential for workplace carnage. Then there’s the type that rattles questions at you like it’s some kind of hidden camera script. Honestly, if you can’t just talk pleasantly to someone using your […]



Truck spills

Truck spills via b. rivets

Surrendered wife

Surrendered wife If only they made some sort of non-prescription pill for this

Computer stupidities

Computer Stupidities Customer service hijinks


Hockenyizer Create a simulated collage from a single photograph

Squirrel melts

‘You know how squirrels like nuts?’ Yeah, it’s just like that.

Wired cars

10 Most Wired Cars of the Geneva Motor Show

Bathroom design

Best lavatory design There’s a lot of people behind this