Author Archives: meat


Fuck you, final cut pro reinstall of doom! fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

The tits, ass, and cuteness test

link. You can enter fake registration info at the end for results. “Curvy and Naughty (59% T, 63% A, 44% C)“

Rogue – ‘Designed for Men’

“ROGUE was a competitor to PLAYBOY. Plenty of semi-nude photos, but what set ROGUE aside was the great science fiction and general fiction authors who contributed stories.” Too bad there isn’t a modern equivalent of semi-literate smut around now. Covers (some links are dead) Background (efanzines)

‘No Smoking in the Skull Cave’

“A blog dedicated to pop, culture, movies, and more!” And Animal Farm.

.ru photo site

photos from an .ru site with cool photoshopping. This one is my fave from the batch. Also, the Russians have photoshop.

Concha y Toro

Concha y Toro is a fine, cheap wine, especially the plain ol’ Cab Sav under the Frontera label. I started drinking this stuff back in ’93, when Chilean wines were just making the scene. It’s still good, and for $7.99 at S@m’s, it’s a steal. Note that the Merlot blend is not as good, IMO, […]

‘Tempered over burning witches’

I tried Monty Python’s Holy Grail Ale and liked it. I wouldn’t pay $4+ for a pint again for it, but it was nice in a hoppy way for an ale. Great label.


Sometimes you have to play a long time to be able to play like yourself. m.d.

Song charts

This flickr song chart pool is funnier than you’d expect.

Continental sucks (more)

UPDATE: I’m missing a kidney. And the breakfast bar, it sucks. If I never post here again, it’s because I stayed at the nasty, terrifying Woodley Suites in Houston. This has to be the worst hotel I have ever stayed at. Everything is filthy, and it looks like the door has been kicked in at […]